Project Description

Systems Integrated Security (IKTSB)

The concept of JSC “Marie Bridge and Navigation Systems” with the creation of the complex maintenance of safety of the sea and coastal especially important objects systems.

  • The principles of the constructions of IKTSB.
  • The IKTSB functions.
  • The types of the threats.
  • Sea execution IKTSB structure (guards boundaries).
    • Distant(2-30 km)
    • Medium (500-2000 m)
    • Near (up to 500 m)
  • IKTSB work algorithm.

The experience of the last years shows, that the fuel power complex infrastructure is one of the most vulnerable parts in the total structure of the state and it’s citizens safety and economic well-being. Recently in the world the share of losses of the extractive companies as a result of the international organized terrorist groups actions was increased to a great extent.

To a great extent this threat mentions as political unstable regions, as Near East, Persian gulf zone, Africa, India, South and Latin America countries. Fortunately for Russia “gas and oil terrorism” while hasn’t taken over so threatening scales. Wrongful acts concerning of the branch, unlike 90-th, seldom have the organized and especially authorized by someone character.

The perspective development of the Russia Federation fuel and energy complex and the consolidation of the position of Russia in the world system of the division of labor, as the energy Power, makes new demands on the fuel power complex safety and the operational reliability.

Specialists of our firm carry out the scientific researches in the objects of the sea component of fuel power complex safety control, port and coastal infrastructure range. Being based on the best achievements of domestic science, advanced domestic and foreign developments specialists of JSC “MNS” had developed the technical security system integrated complex, securing the functioning of the systems of the object in the common information field and operative reaction of the object’s personal, security divisions and force departments for the extreme situation.

The integrated complex of the technical security systems (IKTSB) is forming with a view of detection and prevention the tryings of fulfillment of the wrongful acts concerning to property, information and natural persons at the higher importance objects, as well as deliberate ecological crippling of the environment.

IKTSB is being created according to demands of The Federal legislation and the other normative-legal acts regulating the safety of the objects of especial importance.

The objects of especial importance are the objects, at which the nuclear, explosive, dangerous chemical and biological substances, that create the real threat of contingency source rise, are used, produced, worked, stored or transported, as well as industrial undertakings, road junctions and other objects, the distribution of which can result in the rise of the contingency.

The integrated assessment of the object includes it’s economical or another significance depending on character and bunching of the concentrated appraisements, results of possible intrusions to them, difficulty of their securing.

That objects include:

  • Sea, shelf and continental gas-and-oil producing objects and supply infrastructure;
  • Energetic system objects;
  • Industrial undertakings;
  • Transport infrastructure objects;
  • Waterworks;
  • Port and water-ways water areas;
  • Closed administrative and territorial formations.

IKTSB construction principlesThe completeness.

    • The combination of different types and forms of the detection, identification and influence.
    • The stability and centralization of the control. The control of the technical means of protection is carried out from the integrated situation center panel or the reserve control and display panel. IKTSB provides the operative interaction with the special divisions and the regional parts of the power departments.
    • Echelonment . IKTSB is being built by the echelon principal, consisted in creation of some security boundaries.
    • Configuration flexibility. Possibility of the system equipping, wide modernization possibilities.

 IKTSB functions:

    • The continuous supervision for the air, surface and underwater conditions;
    • The analysis of the radioactive background and the air gas composition;
    • The classification of the purposes, the development of the necessary dates for the decision-making to the reaction at the contingency by the operator;
    • The output of the target destination to the conjugated systems and guard divisions;
    • The control and access control automation;
    • The object signaling control;
    • Organization of the communication and data transmission;
    • The complex communication to the KTSB operator;
    • The nonlethal influence to the infringers.

 Threat types:

    • Speedboats;
    • Self-moving underwater vehicles (autonomous and telecontrolled);
    • «Combative swimmer» with different types of the equipment;
    • «Combative swimmer» delivery vehicles (towing vehicles, mini submarines);
    • Trained marine animals (dolphins, seals);
    • Floating mines , bombs;
    • Powerful poisoned (nuclear) substances cloud.

Sea version IKTSB structure (security boundaries):

    • Distant (2- 30 km):
      • Radiolocation tools radar station – ( 3,10 cm) “Manta” typewith detection range up to 15 km;
      • Doppler radar stations with heightened resolution capability ( “Sharp Eye”);
      • Sea execution security video observation system  ССTV Hernis;
      • Patrol by boat with multi-beam echo-sounder  Sea Bat 8125.
    • Medium (500-2000 m):
      • 1-th sonar perimeter: sonar Sea Bat kind station (Sea Bat 7111, 7112, 7122) – detection of the combative swimmers up to 1000 m;
    • Detection of the small underwater vehicles at the distance more than 1000 m;
      • The “Atlantic” type radar station 8-millimeter-wave (range of action not less 6 km without the precipitation, and up to 3,5 km during the rain 16 mm/hr);
      • Sea execution security video observation system ССTV Hernis including the infra-red band.
    • Near ( up to 500 m):
      • 2-th sonar perimeter: sonar Sea Bat kind station  Sea Bat (Sea Bat 7111, 7112, 7122) – automatic classification of targets as combative swimmers, delivery of the alarm notification – up to 500 meters;
      • РЛС миллиметрового диапазона;
      • Система охранного видео наблюдения морского исполнения ССTV Hernis включая инфракрасный диапазон, автоматическое определение движущихся целей и выдача тревожного оповещения;
      • The system of nonlethal influence:

1.The system of nonlethal sound influence to the trespasser of distant range LRAD 1000, LRAD 500, with 1000 – 500 meters range – actual system allows to influence the trespasser including the medium zone:

2.The system of nonlethal microwave influence Silent Guardian, with range up to 500 meters.

3.Special hydroacoustic equipment.


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Diver Interdiction System

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    • Inner perimeter:
    • Security signalization. The system of the security signalization includes the security alarm signalization and the security signalization of the outside functional contour (perimeter);
    • The specialized fire-alarm (fire extinguisher system) for the sea and gas and oil objects “Autroniсa” type;
    • The CCTV Hernis conservative video observation system with the automatic determination of the moving purposes and delivery of the alarm signal;
      The gasometry and radiation surveillance means;
    • The control and access management ACS system;
    • KTSB control system on the basis of the operator’s display module (ODM). ODM is the central part of the integrated system, designed for collection, processing and representation of hydroacoustic, radar, cartographic information, information from the video observation systems and many other systems at the tactical display, and control of life support, communication systems and self-defense means. ODM is designed on the basis of the sea computers, approved by the military acceptance. Currently JSC “MNS” had installed such integrated ODM in structure of integrated systems of own production at all warships, built for Navy since 2004 to present time (2008).

IKTSB work algorithm:

 The information on the rounding environment is being analyzed at the central console of the situational center, at that is taking place:

    • The permanent scanning of the fenced-off area with the radars, optical, magetometric and sonars means;
    • Detection of the targets, entering the fenced-off area, with the delivery of the signal to the situational center;
    • Screening of the false signals and the possible classification of the targets;
    • Automatic capture and escort of the objects with the data delivery to the control post;
    • Reflection of the mechanical trajectory, calculation of the target movement elements; The operator, made the decision, confirms or cancels the threat.

In case confirming of the threat:

    • The alarm for the security divisions is pronounced;
    • The delivery of the coordinates for the interception to the security division boat (vehicle) or to the direct action group is produced;
    • The control of the defense system elements (defeat means) is realized.

The communication of the platform with the external reaction forces is carried out by means of the situational center. For the realization of this communication on the platform are installed:

    • The alarm functionally duplicated channels equipment of the radio-frequency voice communication with the regional anti-terror center, including the satellite network channels;
    • GMDSS communication facilities;
    • Alarm button.

KTSB provides the access blocking to the guarded zone and the realization of the necessary accident-preventive measures, foreseen by the security service in the contingencies. During the watching by means of visual observation, the automatic homing of the telecameras, providing the sector observation of the threaten direction, is taking place.

After the neutralization of the threat the operator of the situational center “turns off the target”/ removes the threat, puts the control and access system in the normal regime.


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